Decorative image showcasing The Kitchen Sink menu and ordering app on mobile phones.

The Kitchen Sink

The Kitchen Sink

Design a menu and ordering app for a family diner from the ground up.

The Drive By

The Drive By

Design a responsive website for a drive in movie theater's snack concession delivery service.

Pocket Chart

Design a dedicated mobile app and responsive website for a patient portal medical charting service.

Personal Projects

Personal Projects

No research, just creating.
The things that keep me learning.

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Ready to witness Mikky’s magic up close?

Hi My Name Is…

Hi My Name Is…

Hi My Name Is…

Long & short- I'm Mikayla. You can call me Mikky. I'm a military wife currently California based.

Since September, 2020 I've been a video game content designer, & within 6 months of starting, Facebook approached me for a partnership. I quickly became mesmerized, held captive by my own ambition to improve, & distracted with private events; surrounded with people who had the thinking "Our presence is a gift, the internet says so." & was validated by millions in engagement & millions more in reach.

What led me to find UX Design, was ultimately the death of my father- my best friend & greatest mentor, who stoked every creative passion I had. When I held my father's hand as he took his dying breath- It jarred me to my core. It made me lift my head from the sand of the content creation world I was so immersed in, and start asking myself… "Is my presence actually a gift to this world?", "What purpose am I really serving?", and when I decided my answers weren't ideal- "What is a career I can apply my passion for creating in digital spaces, as well as truly serve people?"
After months of researching, I found UX Design, and decided to pivot into the industry.

© 2023 Mikky Sanders

Powered by Jesus, Tears, & Coffee

© 2023 Mikky Sanders

Powered by Jesus, Tears, & Coffee